Hello Friends,

It is Sunday morning and as I sit here on my patio drinking my Chai, I am reflecting upon the last 12 days of school.  I ALWAYS  forget that August/September kinders are TOTALLY different from May kinders. Every morning, I have to tell myself that these are little guys just out of preschool and coming off summers with their families. Who wouldn't be upset to go from playing at the lake and the playground to sitting in a classroom doing things that make no sense to them? I have been thinking about what it must be like to be a child in my classroom and thought I would put myself in their shoes for awhile.......

  But, I don't want to use a crayon to color that picture! I want to use a marker.

Criss cross applesauce? But I want to lay on my back and stretch my legs in front of me.

I have to SHARE the crayons? Really? But I helped my Mom buy them this summer. I thought they were mine. 

Writer's Workshop?

 Daily 5?

Teacher, can you wipe me? What? I'm a big kid? I have to do it myself? But, my Mom always helps me..

Wow..... I never knew scissors could cut hair, too..... Let me try them on my friend's hair.... What? Scissors are only to be used on paper? 

I am supposed to use my WORDS to settle my problems? But, she HIT me, Teacher, and I hit her back........ Ohhh....... I didn't know hands are to be used for helping; not hitting.........

 OOPS....... I ACCIDENTALLY knocked over the cup of water I was using for my watercolor painting.......

Line up order? But I want to stand next to my friend.........

But those look like TOYS in the Math boxes.............

Teacher, I have something REALLY important to say and I am RAISING MY HAND! Why are you not calling my name? Well..... I am going to say it anyway........... What? You won't always call on me even if I am raising my hand?

But..... I want to build a snowman with the playdough; not make letters....... oh...... playdough is a tool not a toy for this activity.......

What do you mean I have to ASK to use the bathroom? I have to go NOW!

So.... as we all begin this new journey towards another school year, let's all remember that these are CHILDREN that we are teaching who quickly become OUR KIDS...... Teaching is such an adventure and I can think of no better adventure to be on for these next ten months.....

  And by the way, thank you to Educasongs, Graphics From the Pond, and KC Fonts for the adorable graphics for these posters!
