I am linking up with Blog Hoppin for Organizing for Instruction....
First of all, I thought I would share how I organize crayons in my classroom. I used to have a tub on each table where all the crayons were dumped. It would drive me CRAZY to watch my students struggle to find a particular color of crayon. That just took up too much time for instruction. In my classroom, we use crayons ALL the time, so this tool is an important part of my student's day. Last year, I purchased muffin pans, used Velcro to attach them to the bottom of each cup, and then we sorted the crayons by color. This worked amazingly well! It wasn't until the end of the year that I heard "I can't find a red, Mrs. Feeney!" The thing I did not like, though, was that the muffin pans took up a lot of space on the tables and by the end of the year, the Velcro had lost it's "sticky."
So, a few weeks ago, I was walking through Hobby Lobby and saw these cupcake carriers..... hmmmm........ I wonder if they would work for crayons.......... Well, I purchased them and I think they will work GREAT! They store nicely, do not take up much room, and have plenty of space for sorting crayons! I added color labels to each section and I AM SO EXCITED to use these this year! If you would like the labels, click HERE.
Also..... a few weeks ago, I wrote a post on how I tweaked Daily 5 to suit my needs. I gave some tips for how I organize my literacy block. If you are interested in reading this post, click the button below.

Until next time!